When You Find New Fine Lines, It’s Time For Botox
Published on August 20, 2018 by FACEOLOGYMD
Aging is an inevitable part of life and with it comes plenty of changes that can alter how you look and feel about yourself. In many cases, people who aren’t happy with the changes to their bodies, especially those that appear in the facial region, try to resolve them with a little a little outside help in the form of botox.
Botox, also known as botulinum toxin type A, is an injectable treatment that works to give you a more youthful facial aesthetic. The treatment works by blocking the signals that cause your facial muscles to contract. When these signals are blocked, your facial muscles will relax and the wrinkles on your skin will begin to fade away. If you are concerned about looking older than you are, then botox might be right for you.
Precautions to Take if You Use Botox
Botox Injections must not be taken if you are allergic to botulinum toxin. If you are unsure about whether or not you are allergic, your doctor can help you find out. If you have an infection in the area where the medicine is going to be applied, avoid the injection until the infection clears up.
If you are currently suffering from any underlying health conditions such as a bladder infection, ALS, heart disease, or a breathing disorder, then you will need to postpone the treatment until these are rectified. You need to be in good general health and have realistic expectations to be considered a worthy candidate for the surgery.
Botox is procured and made from human plasma which can carry infections and viruses. While plasma is always tested and treated, it is important to remember that there is a tiny risk when undergoing this treatment. However, the level of risk taken with botox is the same as the risk taken with other surgeries and shouldn’t be worrisome to you.
It is unclear whether botox negatively affects an unborn baby or if it passes through breast milk. If you are pregnant or plan on becoming pregnant in the near future, discuss your options with your doctor to find out if the treatment is right for you.
The Botox Treatment
All botox injections should only be administered by trained medical professionals. The injections can be given for a variety of reasons with the procedure changing depending on the intention of the treatment. You can find out about other uses for botox by speaking to your doctor.
In general, Botox is injected into a muscle by trained members of healthcare. Each dose should be administered with a gap of at least 3 months. Depending on the intention of the treatment, the injections may be injected into more than one area at a time.
Do not worry if you miss a dose as botox has a temporary effect and is injected at widely spaced intervals.
Things to Remember
A great amount of care should be taken when injecting the botox solution in the target area. An overdose can cause serious side effects, so it is important to work with someone you can trust. The symptoms of an overdose may not appear right away, but can include muscle weakness, trouble swallowing and weak breathing.
The treatment is fast and efficient. It can be done in as little as 15 minutes. After the treatment session is completed, you can return to your normal daily activities in no time at all. The benefits of botox far outweigh the negatives and should be considered by anyone who is looking for that fresh, younger look.
Contact Our Office
Botox is a great way to improve your facial aesthetic without having to go through a highly invasive treatment. If you’re interested in learning more about the treatment and the benefits it can provide you, contact our office to schedule a consultation with skilled plastic surgeon Dr. Raymond Lee.