The Specialized Temporal Brow Lift Technique

Published on November 22, 2017

As a result of the aging process and genetic factors, many individuals experience a gradual change in their appearance, especially in the forehead and eyebrow area. An accumulation of sagging skin in the brow area or the presence of heavy brows could give the general appearance of a tired or angry face that may put off other people when you interact with them.

People who suffer from this condition may find that their friends and colleagues think they are tired, worried, or anxious, even if that is not the case. A temporal brow lift offers a lasting change to such facial features and helps restore self confidence among patients.

The eye and the forehead are extremely important indicators of communication with other people. The eyes have been called the windows to the soul, and if the eyes appear tired or groggy constantly, it is bound to give someone a bad impression and not display who you really are.

There is no need to worry about this as medical options ensure that such conditions do not affect the lifestyle of a patient. A brow lift is often performed in conjunction with a forehead lift or other facial surgeries to provide an appearance of restored vitality and youthful contours.

During a brow lift, deep furrows and sagging skin are surgically removed and the skin is brought together to create a well-contoured and youthful appearance. The endoscopic brow lift surgery is an alternative to the temporal brow lift and it involves making incisions behind the hairline, after which a specialized camera and thin instruments are used to perform the surgery.

One other option is the temporal brow lift procedure. This technique remains as one of the better ways to conduct this surgery and it can help a patient achieve the positive results they desire.

What You Need To Know About The Temporal Brow Lift Surgery

The first thing you need to do is locate a surgeon with a proven track record of success performing the treatment. You should ask for before and after pictures and specifically focus on those faces that look like yours.

A technique like this requires a careful eye for detail as well as an established aesthetic that can successfully mould the face to create a more vibrant appearance. Working with a skilled surgeon is a must if you want to avoid potential complications.

A botched surgery is always a nightmare to deal with, so you must ensure that the doctor you pick is someone well known in the field and someone who has a history of performing the procedure with optimal results.

In this surgery, an incision of about one inch is made above each temple and at the hairline. It is strategically placed in order to keep any resulting post-surgical marks hidden from view Usually performed in conjunction with an eyelid surgery, the tissue of the affected area is also repositioned.

When performed together with an upper eyelid procedure, the area between the eyebrows is lifted so as to smooth out Frown lines. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, meaning that you can return home soon after the treatment is over. You can return to your normal daily activities within four weeks.

Contact Our Office

The youthful and vibrant face you have always wanted is one simple procedure away. If you’re interested in learning more about the brow lift procedure, contact us to schedule an appointment with Dr. Raymond Lee, the number one cosmetic surgeon in Orange County.


Newport Beach  PH. 949 706 2277

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