Neck Tightening — Newport Beach Surgical Lift

Published on December 22, 2015

If you’re looking to reduce wrinkles, excess skin and other signs of aging, neck tightening may be the perfect procedure for you. Clients spend an enormous amount of time and resources to make sure their faces are kept in tip-top shape, but signs of your true age can be discovered simply by looking down at the neck. This plastic surgery procedure strips years off your overall look by removing wrinkles, bands, a double chin, jowls, and other excess skin and fat.

Wrinkles around the neck are the result of several factors, including sun damage, gravity, rapid weight loss, and a reduction in skin elasticity due to the aging process. This general process can be dramatically improved with the help of a cervicoplasty, the aspect of a neck lift which tightens the skin tissues. This neck tightening process is achieved by trimming away excess skin around the neck region.

To find out more about surgical neck tightening and its miraculous benefits, it’s best to speak with Dr. Raymond Lee, a double-board-certified plastic surgeon working in Newport Beach, California. To make an appointment with Dr. Lee, contact our office today.

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