EarLobe Repair
Published on July 29, 2016 by FACEOLOGYMD
Body piercings, tattoos, and other accessories are more popular now than ever. The most recent trend of tunnels and plugs in one’s ears, otherwise known as gauges or gauging, was quite popular for some time. Most times gauging is performed when younger and as one’s professional lives and careers come to advance these altered earlobes are no longer desirable by the individual or employer. For those considering restoration to the damaged tissue around their ear lobes, the only treatment option is surgical correction. Fortunately, this can be performed easily by a skilled facial plastic surgeon.
The issue most often with gauging is referred to as “blowout.” Blowouts occur when the fistula of a piercing is pressed to the back of the piercing, usually by inserting a larger object too quickly or before the skin of the ear has fully healed in order to begin the next step. This can create an odd looking flap of tissue on the ear as well as affect the progression of further gauging. The fistula can also be the epicenter for build up of dead skin, styling products, and sebum that mill together to create a very distinct and undesirable smell. Amongst the other problems associated with ear plugs and tunnels are wet ear, thinned lobes, and infection.

Dr. Raymond Lee is a double board certified facial plastic surgeon with expertise in facial rejuvenation under local anesthesia. He has been practicing in Orange County for the past 10 years and has performed nearly 4000 facial rejuvenation procedures under light anesthesia.
In his prior national practice, his patient satisfaction scores ranked him #1 in the nation. Dr. Lee wants you to “Experience Beauty, the most natural way”. Dr. Lee’s does not believe in the old traditional facelift. Over the course of his career he has mastered the art and science of facial rejuvenation with natural results, minimal sedation, and easy recovery. His signature “FACEology LIFT” (face & neck lift alternative) is the embodiment of all these elements and is what he is widely sought out for.