FACEology Lift / Neck Lift Photos - Case #13554

Patient Case #13554

65-74 year old woman treated with Facelift, Neck Lift, Lip Lift

Amazing before and after results of our latest combo case!

This 67-year-old patient.
And the results are stunning! Even at just one month post-op!

While there’s still more improvement to come as the swelling continues to resolve, we’re loving the definition and contouring already visible, especially in the jawline and facial structure.

Our patient’s final result will be even more radiant and refined!

FACEology Lift / Neck Lift
FACEology Lift / Neck Lift
FACEology Lift / Neck Lift
FACEology Lift / Neck Lift
FACEology Lift / Neck Lift
FACEology Lift / Neck Lift

Newport Beach  PH. 949 706 2277

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