Archive for December, 2016

Our Unique Facelift: The FACEology LIFT

Published on December 29, 2016

As people get older, signs of aging get more visible on their face. These signs include sagging skin, creases along the lower eyelids and nose, jowls, and a double chin. The degree of aging is dependent on factors like heredity,

Keloid Scars and Hypertrophic Scars

Published on December 29, 2016

Keloid scars are abnormal scars that develop after an injury. These scars are wider than the extent of the original injury and often recur after removal. They are raised and reddish and are often unsightly to look at, which can

Wish You Had Stronger Cheekbones?

Published on December 12, 2016

High cheekbones are one of the universal standards of beauty all over the world. It is no wonder, then, that so many people, men and women included, desire stronger and more pronounced cheekbones as a way of enhancing their aesthetic

Skin Care Tips to Avoid Dry Skin All Winter

Published on December 9, 2016

With the onset of winter comes the inevitable dryness that plagues all of us—even in SoCal. (Think of how many of us travel for the holidays and to ski destinations!) The following tips will help you keep your skin glowing

Latisse Eyelash Rejuvenation: Common Questions

Published on December 8, 2016

Do you wish you had fuller eyelashes? With the help of Latisse, you can get the luscious lashes you deserve. Latisse, a bimatoprost ophthalmic solution, is the only FDA-approved prescription treatment for insufficient or inadequate eyelashes, making them grow fuller,


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