Hair Transplant Newport Beach

Advancements in hair transplant surgery have made it a great option for a lot of people who are experiencing hair loss. Virtually everyone, both men and women, desire a nice full head of hair. It is a sign of masculinity, femininity, and virility. Unfortunately, as we age most of us do lose some hair. Men start to get receding hairlines losing hair first at the temples and the crown. Women start with thinning hair. Fortunately, current state-of-the-art techniques and technology allow for natural hair restoration. Here, at FACEOLOGYMD®, we have a solution for your hair loss. We can combat your hair loss and restore the appearance of your hair by providing you with amazing results from your follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant surgery in Newport Beach.

What is Follicular Unit Extraction?

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) method allows for harvesting the donor hair without a need for an incision. The scalp is comfortably numbed using local anesthesia. The hair follicles are meticulously extracted one graft at time in their naturally growing follicular units. Follicular units comprise of natural hair clusters of 1 to 4 hairs. Then, little delicate pin pricks are used to place the hairs into the recipient sites into the balding areas.There are no suture or staples used and no bandages required. No longer are the large “hair plugs” used giving an unnatural appearance. FUE allows for even single hair follicles to be transplanted into the most sensitive areas allowing the transplanted hairs to blend in seamlessly.

The Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) showing incision-less removal of donor follicles and subsequent natural placement into the balding scalp.

The procedure is performed in our accredited surgery suite under just local anesthesia and an optional sleeping pill. At FACEOLOGYMD®, we have assembled the most experienced hair transplant team under double-board certified Dr. Raymond Lee‘s surgical supervision and guidance.

Recovering from Hair Transplant Surgery

The average procedure does take a full day but you are laying down comfortably and can even be watching movies during the procedure. We take our time to get the best most natural results. Recovery is about a week with minimal swelling and again no sutures or staples are used with the FUE method. It will take some time to see the full results of your FUE hair transplantation. The initial transplanted hair will fall out after several months and you should natural hair growth occurring some time after. it can take around a year or more to see good results from your hair transplant surgery. Consult with us to see if you are a candidate for state-of-the-art Hair Transplantation.

Hair Transplant Surgery Cost

Each FUE procedure is personalized based on the size of the area being treated, the number of follicular units being transplanted, and other factors. The cost of your hair transplant surgery in Newport Beach will be discussed during your initial consultation with Dr. Lee. Financing options are available to help make paying for hair transplant surgery more manageable.

Hair Transplantation can restore receding front and temple hairlines (stock model)

*Individual results may vary

Schedule a Consultation

You don’t have to let your hair loss issues affect your confidence and comfort with your appearance. If you would like to know more about hair transplant surgery in Newport Beach, contact FaceologyMD today to schedule a consultation for your follicular unit extraction procedure. Dr. Lee can answer any questions you may have about the procedure and let you know if hair transplant surgery is the right choice for you.

Experience Beauty with Hair Transplant / Restoration in Newport Beach and Orange County


Newport Beach  PH. 949 706 2277

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